Therapy Client Testimonials
“I didn’t even realise I was feeling stressed until Angela pointed it out to me. I now understand how stress impacts on me and how I’ve been acting because of it. Just knowing that has made a big difference in feeling more in control of myself”
“I was worried what others people would think and hadn’t realised how much I let this hold me back. I am now much more positive which has helped my confidence to do the things I want to”
“If it wasn’t for you I would have had a melt down by now. I don’t think I would have coped otherwise. Thank you for being there for me”
“I’ve stopped worrying that something disastrous is going to happen all the time and it’s made room for me to focus and be more proactive. I’ve grown in confidence so much and enjoying my life much more”
“I have to admit I was a little sceptical about counselling but I soon realised that it wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be. You helped me feel relaxed in the sessions and it was easier than I thought to talk about myself”
“You really got me and where I was coming from, being listened to helped enormously. The entire session felt so comfortable, relaxing and lovely”
“I was scared of making the wrong decision about where my life was heading and talking to you helped me to think about things more calmly. I wouldn't have coped as well as I did without your support”
“I can talk about things I came to see you about without crying now ,and I'm feeling not so overwhelmed by everything. I feel a lot calmer as I've learnt a lot about the reasons why I feel the way I do and why things have happened. I can understand things better”
"I am now more calm and relaxed. I’m starting to recognise when my thoughts become negative and I can now replace them with more helpful ones”
“I’ve never talked to anyone else in this depth before and it’s really helping. I’m back with my partner now and we’re working through things together”
“We are a lot closer than we we have been for a long time. We would have been heading for divorce and coming to see you saved our marriage”
“I found the sessions really useful. They helped me to clear my head and get rid of a lot of stuff that was in there. I feel a lot calmer and happier”